Pilot Spotlight: Gabrielle Porcaro

Follow Gabrielle on instagram at @g__babbyy

Current Status:

I am a private pilot preparing to start working on my instrument rating.

Tell Us About Your Aviation Journey:
I got started in aviation when I was looking for a career change. I began to reflect on when I was younger, seeing my dad fly all the time for work and the joy I got from being in the airport. I decided one day to take a discovery flight and fell in love with the feeling of being in that seat and on the controls.

What have been the standout moments or achievements in your aviation career so far?  

The biggest thing I am proud of besides flying is battling the FAA and working through the special issuance process. I have used that experience to help others with medical certification issues. This year, I had the opportunity to lobby Capitol Hill for legislation to reform the FAA’s medical certification process. That legislation is still moving. I have also joined a nonprofit legal aid organization called Aeromed Legal, which directly helps individuals with the certification process.

Fun Aspects of Flying: What do you enjoy most about flying? Share your favorite moments or experiences in the air.  

I have to say the thing I enjoy most is that moment when you’re holding short of the runway, and the tower tells you you’re cleared for takeoff. I still get butterflies every time. And I still hold dearly the experience of my first checkride. As nerve-racking as it was, I felt prepared, and in the back of my head, I couldn’t help but think of how far I had come.


Aviation Organizations: Are you a member of any aviation organizations?

I am a member of Women in Aviation. I also volunteer with the Pilot Mental Health Campaign and am on the board of directors for Aeromed Legal.

Advice for Aspiring Pilots: What tips or advice would you give someone starting their flight training or aviation career?  

Don’t give up. Don't give up, whether it’s struggling with a particular maneuver, medical issues, or anything else. Ask for help. This community is amazing, and I have not met a single person not willing to spend their own time helping a fellow aviator. Ask for help; people are more willing than you think!

Favorite Aviation Tips and Tricks: Do you have a favorite aviation hack or tip that improves your flying experience?

This may seem silly but always bring snacks no matter how long the cross country and use the bathroom before you take off! Oh and water! Bring water !


Additional Comments: Do you want to share anything about your aviation experience?

I think the main thing to remember in aviation is to be humble. Every flight has the potential to throw a curveball at you. Always have a backup plan, and don’t do anything you aren’t comfortable with.

Follow Gabrielle on Instagram @g__babbyy


Follow Gabrielle on Instagram @g__babbyy 〰️

I’m on a mission to gather some incredible pilot stories to feature on the On Final blog. Whether you’re just beginning your flight training or you’ve been soaring through the skies for years, I want to hear from you!

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