Pilot Spotlight: Heather Hager

Follow Heather and her motocross & flying adventures on Instagram here at @Motoxx.pilot

Fun Aspects of Flying: What do you enjoy most about flying?

I met my best friends because of aviation. My favorite times flying have been the trips we’ve done together, figuring things out as a team and getting closer and closer. Flying and studying together have bonded us so strongly that I can’t get through a single day without texting these amazing ladies. We do everything together outside of flying, too! My family is incredibly supportive, but with my pilot friends, we understand what we’re all going through together.

Tell Us About Your Aviation Journey:

I had never truly thought that I could have a career as a pilot. It always seemed like “too big” of a goal. Around the time that I graduated high school, Covid-19 had taken over and college was not going to be an option for me. Right after school, I started working full time as an emergency dispatcher, which I think has prepared me to be a pilot more than college ever would have - multi-tasking, responsibilities, radio skills, the list goes on. I will never regret that time of my life, but it wasn’t for me and I decided to take a leap and do a discovery flight. From there, I told myself it would just be a hobby - but then rating after rating happened and here I am.

Current Status

I am a GA pilot and just became a CFI (Certified Flight Instructor). When I’m not flying, you’ll see me riding motocross.

Career Highlights:
 What have been your aviation career's standout moments or achievements so far?  

Of course, nothing can compete with the feeling of a first solo, but I worked for my instrument rating. I got a terrible score on my written exam and barely passed. Then I barely passed my stage check. I got my butt in gear and had a fantastic checkride, and now I love IFR flying the most! Additionally, I just passed my CFI checkride yesterday!


Advice for Aspiring Pilots: What tips or advice would you give someone starting their flight training or aviation career?  

Network. Meet other pilots. You will learn the most from each other and may even become best friends. Don’t give up, even when sometimes it feels like you’re getting nowhere. YOU ARE GETTING THERE.

Aviation Organizations: Are you a member of any aviation organizations ?

FAST (female aviatiors sticking together) and Lady Aviators. Any time I have a question I search it in the chat or ask the group, and always get so much support and great perceptions from pilots, mechanics, and controllers. Awesome group. 10/10 recommend.

Favorite Aviation Tips and Tricks: Do you have a favorite aviation hack or tip that improves your flying experience?

I swear by Jason Schapperts’ podcasts and books. He teaches through great, real-life stories. He has a short podcast about almost every single aviation topic with a real-life scenario, as well as audiobooks that I’ve played on repeat, getting ready for check rides.


Additional Comments: Do you want to share anything about your aviation experience?
I have so many stories with so many amazing pilots that I can’t even pick one, and I am still a very low time pilot. Just take the discovery flight. Take any opportunity to fly with any pilot you can get. The community aviation is so amazing.

Follow Heather on Instagram @Motoxx.pilot


Follow Heather on Instagram @Motoxx.pilot 〰️

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