Pilot Spotlight: Allison Capps - Fromcabin2cockpit

Follow Allison on social - @Fromcabin2cockpit and @alliecapps

Current Status:

Flight Instructor (specifically teaching Multi Engine right now!)

Tell Us About Your Aviation Journey:
I was working in the corporate world and loved my job, but I knew it wasn’t what I wanted to do long-term. I saw an opening for a flight attendant position at Allegiant Airlines in 2018 and thought that would be a fun change since I loved to travel and meet new people. I had only been on two flights my entire life before my interview, so I was hesitant about the decision… Surprisingly, I got the job! I was a flight attendant for four years and loved it, but some of me (and my colleagues) knew I was on the wrong side of the door. I took a Discovery flight in 2020 and haven’t left the cockpit since!

What have been the standout moments or achievements in your aviation career so far?  

Going from private pilot to multi-engine instructor in about 7.5 months! I worked my butt off and studied hard and it all paid off!

Fun Aspects of Flying: What do you enjoy most about flying? Share your favorite moments or experiences in the air.  

My favorite is watching all of the beautiful sunsets! I’ll never turn down a sunset flight. I also love meeting and flying with so many different people.


Aviation Organizations: Are you a member of any aviation organizations?

Women in Aviation. I am a recent member, but I loved going to the WAI conference in Orlando this year and meeting so many outstanding female pilots!

Advice for Aspiring Pilots: What tips or advice would you give someone starting their flight training or aviation career?  

Study hard! There will be setbacks but don’t get discouraged. Every single pilot has been in your shoes and started from zero.

Favorite Aviation Tips and Tricks: Do you have a favorite aviation hack or tip that improves your flying experience?

Fly with friends as often as you can. I did most of my flying with instructors to get everything done quickly but those few flights with friends are my favorite flying memories!


Additional Comments: Do you want to share anything about your aviation experience?

Everyone’s journey to the cockpit is vastly different. I am a victim of comparing my timeline to others and getting down on myself for not being where I think I need to be. This is supposed to be fun; enjoy the ride!

Follow Allison on Instagram! @Fromcabin2cockpit and @alliecapps


Follow Allison on Instagram! @Fromcabin2cockpit and @alliecapps 〰️

I’m on a mission to gather some incredible pilot stories to feature on the On Final blog. Whether you’re just beginning your flight training or you’ve been soaring through the skies for years, I want to hear from you!

Your experiences and stories can inspire others in the aviation community, and I’m excited to share them on the blog. If you’re up for it, please send me your story and some photos through the link below:

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