Pilot Spotlight: Trooper Pollack

Fun Aspects of Flying: What do you enjoy most about flying?

Two things! The first one is the views. Whether seeing the sunrise first thing in the morning or watching the sunset, the views never get old. The second one is taking someone flying for the first time. Most people have traveled commercially, but there’s something about taking them flying for the first time from a general aviation perspective. Allowing them to hear air traffic control through their headset, see how the flight controls work, understand the airport environment, or have that forward-looking view compared to looking sideways out of an airliner window is always rewarding.  

Current Status - I am employed as a State Trooper pilot for the Florida Highway Patrol.

Tell Us About Your Aviation Journey:
Aviation is something that I was obsessed with and loved from an early age. I always enjoyed going to airshows and doing anything that had to do with airplanes and helicopters. Whenever I heard something flying over, I would find myself looking up at it. Now that I think about it, I still do that! When I was 16, I took my first flight lesson and never stopped. Being in the air is my happy place, so I figured there was no better way to enjoy it than to get paid to do it!

Career Highlights:
 What have been your aviation career's standout moments or achievements so far?  

I started off flying airplanes but really loved helicopters and the challenges they presented. I always wanted to be dual-rated in airplanes and helicopters, so having the opportunity to fly both is probably my biggest achievement.


Advice for Aspiring Pilots: What tips or advice would you give someone starting their flight training or aviation career?  

Everyone is going to get to the point in flight training when they’re confused, nothing is making sense, they’ve spent a lot of time and money, and they’re going to ask themselves, “Is this worth it? What am I doing?”. Everyone has experienced this roadblock at some point in their training; don’t think it is just you. Just keep pushing on through. When you look back at it, you’ll realize that whatever it was that had you stumped is relatively easy to understand. It’s easy to give up on your training; stick with it. It’s so rewarding and worth it in the end.

Aviation Organizations: Are you a member of any aviation organizations ?

I am a member of the Airborne Public Safety Association (APSA). They provide law enforcement pilots with regular conferences/seminars, online training, guest speakers, and other resources to keep everyone current and safe.

Favorite Aviation Tips and Tricks: Do you have a favorite aviation hack or tip that improves your flying experience?

Regarding an aviation tip, if you need something, say something. There are so many resources out there. If something you’re learning about doesn’t make sense, ask someone else for an explanation. They might explain something in a way that makes it click. If you’re flying and unsure about something, ask the controller. They have so many resources at their fingertips, and I promise that other pilots on frequency will be right there to assist. No one is going to let another pilot fail in a situation! There’s no shame in saying you need help.


Additional Comments: Do you want to share anything about your aviation experience?

I have learned over the years to always be prepared for anything and everything. A few years ago, I assisted our Orlando Troopers with a call just west of downtown Orlando. It was early morning, still dark out, Orlando approach frequency was quiet with the occasional airliner checking on and just as I was thinking to myself how peaceful it was, I suddenly saw a green light underneath the wing of the Cessna I was flying. Right away, I thought it was the nav light from another aircraft, and I was about to have a midair collision. A second went by, and I thought, if we were going to hit, we would have already. I realized I was getting hit by a green laser at that time. I had a quick second to get a general idea of where it came from, but I didn’t want to focus too much on it, considering it lit up the cockpit. I turned off my nav lights, strobes, and beacon and turned 90 degrees when I saw the person shining the laser at me again. At that time, I could pinpoint exactly where it was coming from. Since I was only a couple of miles from Orlando Executive Airport, I decided to land. Once on the ground, I called a few Troopers and went to the construction site. After a brief investigation, I got a confession from the person responsible and the laser he was using. So, just as I thought nothing was going on and it was an uneventful flight, it turned out to be so much more.  

I’m on a mission to gather some incredible pilot stories to feature on the On Final blog. Whether you’re just beginning your flight training or you’ve been soaring through the skies for years, I want to hear from you!

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