Pilot Spotlight: Jen Markovska

Follow Jen on IG - @big_jenergy

Fun Aspects of Flying: What do you enjoy most about flying?

With flying, every day is different and there are always new challenges to face, which I really enjoy. When you’re up there, you lose sight of anything that might be stressing you on the ground, and you’re so locked in it’s almost meditative to me. Getting to share stories of particularly interesting flights with other people who get it is also fun!

Current Status - I am a student getting pretty close to taking my checkride!

Tell Us About Your Aviation Journey:
I always thought flying was one of the coolest things ever, and I wanted to learn at some point. But I felt like I never had the time to make it happen…however when I left the life I thought I wanted in the Hollywood world, I figured it was the perfect moment to pursue this dream finally. When I left LA I started to regroup and signed up for flight lessons at my local small airport.

Career Highlights:
 What have been your aviation career's standout moments or achievements so far?  

Not a career yet, but I have to say the standout moments of my student days so far have been my first solo flights and my first string of decent crosswind landings 😹 My current goal is to go into aircraft sales as I continue to earn my ratings and endorsements, growing my skills in different types of aircraft. I also aim to bring more women into the field through the power of social media and use my skills for the greater good by flying for organizations like Pilots n Paws ❤️


Advice for Aspiring Pilots: What tips or advice would you give someone starting their flight training or aviation career?  

Don’t get obsessed with finishing as quickly as possible. Especially if you intend on doing this as a career, there is no reason to pressure yourself to finish your PPL in 40 hours. Most people take a bit longer than that! It will take as many hours as it takes, and those hours will make you a more skilled and experienced pilot if you use them wisely.

Aviation Organizations: Are you a member of any aviation organizations ?

I recently joined WAI and the 99’s as a student and look forward to getting in touch with my local chapters!

Favorite Aviation Tips and Tricks: Do you have a favorite aviation hack or tip that improves your flying experience?

Foreflight is an beyond amazing app and it’s a blessing to be learning in this technologically advanced era! Spend some time exploring the app if you’re not super familiar with it, there are some features in there that will make your training a LOT easier and safer.


Additional Comments: Do you want to share anything about your aviation experience?

My flight training journey has been extremely rewarding not just in terms of learning to fly, but also learning to embody the PIC mindset in the air as well as on the ground. The truth is, you are the only one responsible for your life and have the final say as to how it should go. As my training journey has progressed. I’ve learned to set better boundaries and trust myself more as I grow into this mindset.

Follow Jen on Instagram @big_jenergy


Follow Jen on Instagram @big_jenergy 〰️

I’m on a mission to gather some incredible pilot stories to feature on the On Final blog. Whether you’re just beginning your flight training or you’ve been soaring through the skies for years, I want to hear from you!

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Pilot Spotlight: Mohammed Aminu Maina