Pilot Spotlight: Mohammed Aminu Maina

Follow Mohammed on Social! Instagram - @aminumaina

Current Status:

I’m am currently a CFI, CFII and MEI. My plan is to head to the airline eventually

Tell Us About Your Aviation Journey:
I’ve always wanted to be a pilot since I was young. I was going to become an architect because, at some point, I was scared of flying. I got over the fear through my uncle, who is also a pilot, convincing me to continue. My Parents also played a huge role in motivating me to get back, so I went back into aviation. Did my Bachelors in Aviation at Abu Dhabi University, UAE and the came to the US to fly

What have been the standout moments or achievements in your aviation career so far?  

The day I flew solo is one I will never forget. Another achievement was when I completed my masters with a 4.0 GPA

Fun Aspects of Flying: What do you enjoy most about flying? Share your favorite moments or experiences in the air.  

Night flights and instruments flying in the clouds are my best part of flying. Night flights as you get to see all the lights at night as the light up the sky. It’s also amazing seeing fire works from the sky. On the other hand instrument flying is amazing because you get to fly through clouds.

Advice for Aspiring Pilots: What tips or advice would you give someone starting their flight training or aviation career?  

Keep pushing forward! Keep asking questions when in doubt as you can never know it all. Be patient and enjoy the journey. Be friends with your instructor. Make friends and share information

Favorite Aviation Tips and Tricks: Do you have a favorite aviation hack or tip that improves your flying experience?

Get ForeFlight from Day 1. Get a noise cancelling headset with Bluetooth, your ears will thank you. Get shades as well, if you get polarized ones, don’t tilt your head. It will block you your display.

Additional Comments: Do you want to share anything about your aviation experience?

The most interesting flight I’ve had my during my commercial solo. To be a commercial pilot, you need 5 hours solo at night. On one of the night cross countries, I left Daytona to Fort pierce. Flight went on normal to fort pierce. On the way back to Daytona, I started smelling smoke in the cockpit and obviously I panicked! I started looking for the fire, I opened my windows, got the fire extinguisher ready ran all the checklists involving fire but the smell was still on. I was just about to declare an emergency but then someone randomly mentioned over the comms ‘they are putting out the fire now…’ that’s when I knew it wasn’t my plane. Apparently there was some thing burning, likely trees, and the smoke rose so high that I got into the cockpit. No was I would’ve seen it as it was a night flight. I learnt to be calm and be in control of the aircraft no matter what. I also learnt not to be afraid of asking ATC for help

Follow Mohammed on Instagram! @aminumaina


Follow Mohammed on Instagram! @aminumaina 〰️

I’m on a mission to gather some incredible pilot stories to feature on the On Final blog. Whether you’re just beginning your flight training or you’ve been soaring through the skies for years, I want to hear from you!

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