Pilot Spotlight: Lorenz Korn

Follow Lorenz on IG! @korn9150

Tell Us About Your Aviation Journey:

How did you get into aviation, and what inspired you to become a pilot?

My dad owned an A36TC Bonanza and B60 Duke when I was young, and we flew all over Nevada and California together. I started flying with him when I was maybe 5 years old and immediately got hooked. My dad always let me put the landing gear lever up and down. I couldn't wait to put that landing gear lever up and down; I would always ask my dad: "Can I do it now? Can I do it now??" It was the most exciting thing for me to do, even though it may not have been the best time to pester my dad about the landing gear lever. Growing up, learning more of the ins and outs of how an aircraft works, and being able to fly myself always gave me the utmost sense of freedom and clarity. Aviation is a gift and something we should not take for granted. Once you're involved, you get to experience the comradery and support from other aviators who share your passion. Many nights, having a beer with fellow pilots, telling stories about your favorite or not-so-favorite flights. I have my father to thank for inspiring me to start my aviation career, and the sense of community, the feeling of freedom, and the ability to "disconnect" from the grasp of gravity is what kept me hooked.

Current Status

B757/B767 First Officer at United Airlines

Career Highlights:
 What have been your aviation career's standout moments or achievements so far?  
Never had a student fail a checkride as a CFI, never had a checkride or a recurrent training failure.


Fun Aspects of Flying: What do you enjoy most about flying? Share your favorite moments or experiences in the air.  

Traveling the world. I have only been flying at the airlines cumulatively for 7 years and I get to go to Munich once or twice a month. I get the opportunity to practice my German, drink German beer (on the ground, obviously) and explore small towns with like-minded crew members.

Advice for Aspiring Pilots: What tips or advice would you give to someone just starting out in their flight training or aviation career?  

Enjoy the ride. There will be times where you feel like you're hitting walls. Just keep going and enjoy the ride. Remember that what we're doing is incredibly unique and special. Great things don't always come easy.

Favorite Aviation Tips and Tricks: Do you have a favorite aviation hack or tip that improves your flying experience?

Trim is a poor person's autopilot. Learn to use it, learn to love it, and invest in a good headset. Thank me later.


Aviation Organizations: Are you a member of any aviation organizations (e.g., Women in Aviation, Women in Corporate Aviation, NGPA, OBAP, PAPA)? If so, how have they supported your journey?  

Pilots for Kids and I volunteer at Sky Kids AZ.. highly recommend both. They're both extremely humbling experiences and great resume builders.

Follow Lorenz on IG @korn9150


Follow Lorenz on IG @korn9150 〰️

I’m on a mission to gather some incredible pilot stories to feature on the On Final blog. Whether you’re just beginning your flight training or you’ve been soaring through the skies for years, I want to hear from you!

Your experiences and stories can inspire others in the aviation community, and I’m excited to share them on the blog. If you’re up for it, please send me your story and some photos through the link below:

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