Pilot Spotlight: Zoey Schade

Follow Zoey on Instagram @Z_shadey_

Tell Us About Your Aviation Journey:

How did you get into aviation, and what inspired you to become a pilot?

I knew I wanted to fly helicopters while serving in the U.S. Navy. I worked on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier where all the planes and helos were conducting flight operations. It was a Rush! When I separated from the Navy, I used my Post9/11 GI Bill to begin flight training. While working, going to school, and flying full-time, I was introduced to Customs and Border Protection. I worked for CBP as an immigration officer while building my flight hours. 2 years later, I could transfer to the air unit (Air and Marine Operations).

Current Status

I am currently a commercial-rated helicopter pilot working for CBP/AMO and a student fixed-wing pilot working towards my PPL.

Career Highlights:
Being exposed and flying different aircraft (usually bigger and better!) in dynamic environments. As a Law Enforcement role, AMO has many different missions that require very different types of flying which makes the job interesting!


Fun Aspects of Flying: What do you enjoy most about flying? Share your favorite moments or experiences in the air.  

I love flying in Florida along the beaches, looking at sharks, sunken boats, and people enjoying the Florida sunshine. Most recently, I flew in the D.C. FRZ along the Potomac River on an established route that takes you along all the monuments and the White House! It was such a fun flight at 200 feet with amazing views! This route is restricted to Federal Law Enforcement and military operations. It's definitely a big perk of the job!


Advice for Aspiring Pilots: What tips or advice would you give to someone just starting out in their flight training or aviation career?  

Connect with other pilots or someone established in the industry you are interested in! I was unaware of the opportunities available to pilots or how to achieve my goals. I wish I networked earlier, which could have resulted in quicker entry into the aviation community. Everyone is willing to help each other in this community; take advantage of it.

Make sure you instructor is right for YOU. It’s ok to switch if you feel you are not getting good, valuable training. Make your time worth it and don’t settle.
— Zoey Schade

Favorite Aviation Tips and Tricks: Do you have a favorite aviation hack or tip that improves your flying experience?

Don’t stop flying! Once you get comfortable, challenge yourself with new flying (locations, nights, aircraft). New challenges will create a better pilot!


Aviation Organizations: Are you a member of any aviation organizations (e.g., Women in Aviation, Women in Corporate Aviation, NGPA, OBAP, PAPA)? If so, how have they supported your journey?  

I am currently in Women in Aviation, AOPA, and Whirly Girls. They have kept me engaged over the years and provided excellent resources and networking opportunities.

Follow Zoey on Instagram @Z_shadey_


Follow Zoey on Instagram @Z_shadey_ 〰️

I’m on a mission to gather some incredible pilot stories to feature on the On Final blog. Whether you’re just beginning your flight training or you’ve been soaring through the skies for years, I want to hear from you!

Your experiences and stories can inspire others in the aviation community, and I’m excited to share them on the blog. If you’re up for it, please send me your story and some photos through the link below:

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